INCOMPAS Show Buyers Forum

The INCOMPAS Show Buyers Forum provides even more networking and key meetings between buyers and sellers at The 2024 INCOMPAS Show.

How It Works
The Buyers Forum is done in a first-come, first-served speed meeting format.  During the designated times, all registered attendees are invited visit the tables of the various company buyers, which will be located in the Expo Hall. Meetings should be limited to no more than 10 minutes to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to introduce themselves to the buyers they're interested in meeting.

The 2024 Buyers Forum will feature these companies and more:



For Buyers
The INCOMPAS Show Buyers Forum is a buyer program that provides qualified industry buyers the opportunity to meet and do business with sellers from across the country in a “speed-meeting” business format. As a buyer, this is the perfect way for you to make effective use of your time at the show and take care of meeting with several potential vendors in one place. Qualified hosted buyers will receive discounted registration to The INCOMPAS Show. 

If you are a buyer for your organization and are interested in participating in future Buyers' Forums, email Gail Norris or call 301-237-0767.

For Sellers 
The INCOMPAS Show Buyers Forum offers companies the opportunity to directly connect with key buyers in order to meet and do business. INCOMPAS does the work for you: We secure the buyers you want to meet and provide dedicated time for you to meet one-on-one with buyers.

If there are buyers at specific companies you'd like to meet, email Gail Norris with your requests.


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