Official Publications


The INCOMPAS Show Daily is a magazine featuring news from exhibitors, sponsors and INCOMPAS members. Issues of the INCOMPAS Show Daily will be available electronically via ConnectIN and the show website.

Show Daily Submission Guidelines

  • Deadline for release submission:  Friday, October 11, 2024
  • All press releases or news items should be sent via e-mail as a Word document; Accompanying graphics should be JPEG format, with a resolution of 300 dpi or better.
  • Please put “INCOMPAS SHOW DAILY” in the e-mail subject line when sending news.
  • To be considered for inclusion, news must either be announced at the show, or within days prior to it. All news sent to Show Daily editors will be held under embargo until the official release date.
  • INCOMPAS Show exhibitors, sponsors and advertisers will be given space priority in the Show Daily. INCOMPAS members who are not exhibitors or sponsors at The INCOMPAS Show are invited to submit their news, which will be published on a space-available basis. The Show Daily editorial staff makes every effort to include all news sent to them by the editorial deadline.

    All news releases and accompanying press materials and graphics should be e-mailed directly to Show Daily Editor Gerald Baldino at For questions, he can be reached at (203) 410-6640.  Please copy Gail Norris at when sending news releases.

Show Guide

The INCOMPAS Show Guide is the official program of INCOMPAS. The Show Guide features information about participating companies, as well as the agenda, speaker bios and the Expo Hall map. To have your company’s description included in the Show Guide, you must be an exhibitor or sponsor of the convention. 


Click here for Advertising Opportunities in both the Show Daily and the Show Guide.
