Know, Grow, Scale: How to Maximize Growth Potential with Effective Marketing

Monday, October 25
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Sponosored by

Laura Johns
Founder and CEO 
The Business Growers

Amy Kohl
Founder and CEO
AK Operations

What if someone told you there was a right way and a wrong way to grow your business? Organizations spend years wasting time, energy and money on trendy marketing tactics that ultimately result in a failed, costly experiment.

Laura Johns, founder and CEO of The Business Growers and Amy Kohl, founder and CEO of AK Operations, both lead successful marketing firms that focus on results, helping businesses throughout the United States take the guesswork out of marketing. In this session, they will outline critical areas that must be in place in order to grow your business effectively. You will hear practical recommendations on how to align your company with specific growth benchmarks, connect the dots between marketing and sales, and set up your business to scale with sales enablement and lead generation programs that put your hard-earned marketing dollars to work.

If you struggle to know what the right next-steps are to effectively grow your business, this session is for you.
