Discover Your Unique Emotional Intelligence (Ei) Leadership Superpowers!

Monday, September 14
3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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NOTE: You must be registered for
The 2020 INCOMPAS Show to attend.

Hosted by Alliance of Channel Women and INCOMPAS
Books provided courtesy of Televergence Solutions

Sponsored by 

Angie Kronenberg
Chief Advocate and General Counsel


Cheryl O'Donoghue
Author of "How to Be an Emotionally Intelligent Leader"
Founder, Emotional Intelligence Leadership Resources


Nancy Ridge
Founder, Ridge Innovative
Co-Founder, Alliance of Channel Women
Executive Coach


Deb Ward



INCOMPAS and the Alliance of Channel Women invite you to join them for this special leadership development workshop and networking session at The 2020 INCOMPAS Show.

Register for The 2020 INCOMPAS Show before September 4 and receive a free copy of the new book — "How to Be an Emotionally Intelligent Leader" — courtesy of Televergence Solutions.

Once you receive your book, take the self-assessment in Chapter 2 and discover your top five Ei leadership superpowers!

Then, during the workshop on Monday, September 14, you’ll learn how to activate and amplify your superpowers with the help of your workshop leaders. Together, Deb, Nancy and Cheryl, will help you re-imagine and transform how you can lead yourself and others during these extraordinary times, while you maximize your results. 
